
Showing posts from January, 2018

Podcast Cigarettes with Callum Welcome to the podcast In today's podcast, I'm going to be talking about my interactive video coming out soon I'm going to be covering examples from the Mac and Devon Go To High School I chose to do this scene because it is based in a High School because the way they talk, act and dress are relevant to my video. MUSIC The music is targeted to the same audience as my video is targeting The music is by two world award-winning artists. 'Wiz Khalifa' and the legend 'Snoop Dogg' The lyrics are relatable such as 'You probably went to class, while I was in the hallway skipping' Reflect on how you could apply these points to your production I will use music like this because it is the music communally listened to by my target audience  I will use music by well known artist, because my audience can relate  SFX The unrealistic bubble sfx It makes the video entertaining to


Vladimir Propp's Theory   The same 8 charters appear in every story tail. These are The Hero, The Villain, the Dispatcher, The Helper, The Princess, The Princesses Father, The Donator and The False Hero. Hero: The character whose story we follow. Set out to achieve some task. Who we want as an audience to achieve their task. Villain: The antagonistic force of the story. They are opposed to the 'Hero'. They don't always need to be evil.   Dispatcher: The character who makes the 'Villains' scheme known to the 'Hero' and sends them on their task. The Helper: They help the 'Hero' achieve their task. The Princess: Who the 'Hero' is looking to marry and or rescuer. They can either be a prize as well. The Princess Father: The person who needs to be won over by the 'Hero'. The person who gives the 'Princess' or 'Prize' to the 'Hero'. The Donator: The one

Task 4 - THE CUT

15 certificate 14yr to 18yr CRIME DRAMA, THRILLER

Relationship between audio and picture

T Show - Rick And Morty (Season 3) - Rick vs The President The scene starts off with the character ‘Rick’ and ‘Morty’ sitting on the oval office waiting for the president to enter. Rick proceed to say “Everybody relax just waiting for you in the only room you can't blow up or spy on.” His delivery of this shows his annoyance towards the President. He has a slightly high pitched voice, which reverberates to low at random points throughout when he speaks. Due to this show being based in America, Rick does have an american twang to his voice. The purpose of Rick saying what he said is to advance the story line, it helps in building up the tension. Further into the scene a special ops agent is commanded to arrest Rick and Morty, as the agent walks over to Rick , non-diegetic music starts to play and increases in volume the closer he walks to Rick. Furthermore as the agent is walking over, Rick then says in a calm voice “Sun you have a right to refuse his order, and i guarantee y

Social Media Questionare Response



Story Board Key Scene Analysis

My chariter is the 'Cigarette' group charicter. My first choice is either, you chose to go to the bench witch the 'DRUG' group are, or you can choose to walk past the bench. If you chose to walk to the bench, you can eaither say hello to the group at the bench or just light up a cigarette. If you choose to light a cigarette from now on you will loose. With that, I mean from that choise no matter what you choose it will always lead to you not completeing and winning. If you choose to say hello, there are key decisions witch you have to choose from. I decided to make it that you have to smoke the joint to win, this is becuase the audience will not expect that. If You chose to walk past the bench at the begining the first choise is to say heelo to your friend or light a cigarrette. There is a time where you have to make a big dessision. I decided that both choises would be wrong and you would loose. I

Story Board - Interactive Video

Website Research

Dunkirk  Home Screen There is a Virtual  Reality Game attached, but only works if you have a VR headset Timeline Jumanji Animated features on loading page --> Expanding logo, moving water. Gallery with stills from the film Video games 360* info page Tomb Raider  Different options Story Pacific Rim  Sign up and become a 'Jaeger'    Maze Runner: The Death Cure  Ready Player One  360* animated video  Peter Rabbit  12 Strong

Task 2 Evidence


Social Media Questionare
