Relationship between audio and picture

T Show - Rick And Morty (Season 3) - Rick vs The President

The scene starts off with the character ‘Rick’ and ‘Morty’ sitting on the oval office waiting for the president to enter. Rick proceed to say “Everybody relax just waiting for you in the only room you can't blow up or spy on.” His delivery of this shows his annoyance towards the President. He has a slightly high pitched voice, which reverberates to low at random points throughout when he speaks. Due to this show being based in America, Rick does have an american twang to his voice. The purpose of Rick saying what he said is to advance the story line, it helps in building up the tension.

Further into the scene a special ops agent is commanded to arrest Rick and Morty, as the agent walks over to Rick , non-diegetic music starts to play and increases in volume the closer he walks to Rick. Furthermore as the agent is walking over, Rick then says in a calm voice “Sun you have a right to refuse his order, and i guarantee your going to die if you touch me. And there's no after life everything just goes black.” The agent then touches Rick and falls to the ground dead, there is a falling sound effect when the body hits the floor and just before he touches Rick the non-diegetic music builds substantially.

Rick is now sitting on the arm of the sofa, eating popped corn, there is an eating sound effect added to create a natural sense to the scene. The commander shouts in his deep voice “Does anyone have a shot”. Almost instantly Rick Replies “Yes nine people I can show you” He then touches his watch and a turning on sound effect is added, at this point the non-diegetic music is added aging, this time very quietly, but it helps to build up the tension in the scene. Rick then says “But I wouldn't recommend”, then is cut off by the commander by him shouting angrily “OPEN FIRE”. There is then nine shot sound effects added and nine bodys hitting the ground sound effect added.

One of the presidents agents shouts in her high pitched whiny voice “Get the president out of here!”. The non-diegetic music is still playing. Rick instantly replies “Bad idea” in a calm and relaxed tone. The president quickly asks “Wait, Why?” his voice is low pitched and doesn't reverberate when he speaks. Rick proceeds to stand up, at the same time the music is growing slightly in volume, he then states to the president “Because if there isn't someone in here that there not supposed to kill, there going to wreck the place trying to kill me. And as long as you live no matter where you are, if it isn't in a selfie with HIM. I'll be here”  Throughout this passage Rock is getting angry. This is shown by the volume he is talking in gets louder and the non-diegetic music gets louder, this helps to show that something bad is going to happen.

Movie - Legend - Bar Fight Scene

The scene starts of with Tom Hardy, acting as Ronnie Kray and Reggie Kray walking into the bar. Reggie asks the bar man in a calm voice, with a south london accent “You alright mate can I get two Guinnesses please”  The bar man quickly responds “Yeah hang on a second, I got to go down and change the barrels.” His voice has a slight edge of fear to it, as he goes down into the cellar, the diegetic sound of him opening and closing the hatch and him walking down the ladder can be hurd.
One of the opponent gangsters says in his south london voice “Reg Ron, the Richardsons were unexpectedly engaged, so were going to look after you!” As he is saying this the diegetic sound of people leaving the bar and moving chairs can be hurd. Reggie responds “Aw its alright yeah, our landlords gone to change the barrel for me first, you don't mind if i pour myself a pint first do you?” His voice is calm with no change in pitch, it shows he is not scared, or worries in the slightest.

As Ronnie leaves the bar he is shouting in an angry tone “A shoot out alright is a fucking shootout” spitting from the mouth when delivering this line shows his disappointment and anger towards the opposition gangsters, who considerably out number the brothers. He looks up and breaths through his nose, at this time american western music starts to play, this starts to build up the tension. He then says “Like a western” as he delivers this line he does it so calmly. Then says “Wankers” pauses “Fucking embarrassing” leaves the bar, the sound of the door being opened and closed can be heard. It then cuts to him walking out of the bar from the outside curing profoundly.

The opponent gangster says in a sinister tone “Well your brothers done a runner” you can tell from his tone, he is excited to get one of the brothers alone. Surprisingly Reggie replies in a calm voice and doesn't even seem fazed, he says “Nu he's just generally disappointed with you that's all” only looking at the gangerts once then bringing his focus back to the pint he has just poured himself.   He then states “look at that, full of iron that is, it takes a while that does you know to seattle.” The opponent gangster then replies in a calm voice “Charlie Richardson said were meant to knock the granny out of you Reg” Reggie instantly replies in a calmer tone “Ow yeah he did, did he. That's good of him. Alright listen, when you see him next tell him from me, yeah, that i say Fuck charlie, alright, fuck his brother, yeah, fuck that fat georgy cornell that hangs out with him, fuck your face, yeah, yeah, fuck the fucking lot of you what do you think of that aye” pauses “You like that”  pauses “You won't mind if i fight back will yu?” The opponent gangster then replies in a quieter voice “Well you think you can manage it” Reggie again keeping the same calm voice says “Nu it's more for your pride to be honest, i'm warning you i'm not going to fight fair that's why i brought these!”

The nondiegetic music starts to play, it has a high and uncomfortable pitch to it. Ronnie is now back inside the bar and hit one of the opponents in the head with a hammer, the sound effect can be hurd. Instantly Reggie hits another one in the throat with knuckle dusters and the sound can be heard. Shouting can be hurd, and the sound of breaking objects over people or acisental can also be hurd.  


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