Story Board Key Scene Analysis

My chariter is the 'Cigarette' group charicter.

My first choice is either, you chose to go to the bench witch the 'DRUG' group are, or you can choose to walk past the bench.

If you chose to walk to the bench, you can eaither say hello to the group at the bench or just light up a cigarette.

If you choose to light a cigarette from now on you will loose. With that, I mean from that choise no matter what you choose it will always lead to you not completeing and winning.

If you choose to say hello, there are key decisions witch you have to choose from.
I decided to make it that you have to smoke the joint to win, this is becuase the audience will not expect that.

If You chose to walk past the bench at the begining the first choise is to say heelo to your friend or light a cigarrette.
There is a time where you have to make a big dessision.
I decided that both choises would be wrong and you would loose.
I further decided that if you choose to light a cigarrette insted of say hello to your friend you will at some point loose.


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