
Showing posts from September, 2017

Nikon D3400 DSLR & Nikon Zoom NIKKOR 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF Telephoto Lens

I chose to study the ‘Nikon D3400 DSLR’ camera. this camera is an amazing piece of equipment, with so many features. This £430 new or used £290 DSLR shots in full HD ‘1920 x 1080 / 60 fps’ giving someone the opportunity to record a amazing and crisp video. This camera also allows you to take perfect pictures, this is due to the face it has a ‘24.2MP sensor with no optical low-pass filter’. The camera also allows you to put a ‘Nikon Zoom NIKKOR 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF Telephoto Lens’ this allowing so much more opportunity to use further features on the camera. This 80-200mm f/2.8 is better for portraits than slower VR zooms because this lens can defocus backgrounds better with its fast f/2.8 aperture. It is especially well suited to automotive photography because its conventional diaphragm creates fantastic sunstars on brilliant points of light (newer f/2.8 tele zooms have rounded diaphragms that don't make sunstars). It's perfect for use on FX digital and 35mm film for s

Homework 1- Technical, Audio & Visual Codes 'Casino Royal'

Technical, Audio & Visual Codes Technical Codes - Casino Royal  - Long Shot of when Daniel Crage 'James Bond' scales the fence and lands on the mound of sand. - CLose up of when Sebastien Foucan peers over the stack of piping.  - The camera pans up at the moment when Sebastien Foucan climbs up the metal pillar  - Extreme Close-up of Sebastien Foucan's foot as he propels himself of the scaffolding onto, pipes attached to a crane.  - Establishing of the two actors fighting on the crane  Visual Codes - Casino Royal - The construction workers are dressed in correct clothing, safety hats, high visibility jacktes and builders jumpsoots or trousers.  -  When climbing up the scaffolding Sebastian Foucan's facial expressions show the amount of strength and effort is needed. - The scene has very bright lighting, this recreates the natural lights of the sun and the power in such an open and hot setting.  - Daniel  Crage's gesture when holding S

Week 2 First evaluation of Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part These are my four drawings, my equipment and object. This is a picture of one of my classmate's drawings, their object was a metal chain.  This is my monoprint witch the equipment I used.  2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:  Primary: I used props to re-create sound effects for the iconic shower seen in the movie 'Psycho'.     Secondary: I discussed with other students in the class. We shared our own knowledge and learned further knowledge of each other. 2b Discuss any skills that you have tried:  I helped in the recording and  post-prediction  of a short one-minute film, based on the theme 'Serial Killer'. I further helped in the editing of the film.  I used props to re-create sound effects for the iconic shower seen in the movie 'Psycho'. I further leaned new drawing skills and how to monoprint.  2c Discuss any processes  and methods you used (Photography wet pr