Homework 1- Technical, Audio & Visual Codes 'Casino Royal'

Technical, Audio & Visual Codes

Technical Codes - Casino Royal 

- Long Shot of when Daniel Crage 'James Bond' scales the fence and lands on the mound of sand.
- CLose up of when Sebastien Foucan peers over the stack of piping. 
- The camera pans up at the moment when Sebastien Foucan climbs up the metal pillar 
- Extreme Close-up of Sebastien Foucan's foot as he propels himself of the scaffolding onto, pipes attached to a crane. 
- Establishing of the two actors fighting on the crane 

Visual Codes - Casino Royal

- The construction workers are dressed in correct clothing, safety hats, high visibility jacktes and builders jumpsoots or trousers. 
-  When climbing up the scaffolding Sebastian Foucan's facial expressions show the amount of strength and effort is needed.
- The scene has very bright lighting, this recreates the natural lights of the sun and the power in such an open and hot setting. 
- Daniel  Crage's gesture when holding Sebastian Foucan hostage shows his anger towards him. 
- Having the National Embassy sign is a very clever use of iconography. 

Audio Codes - Casino Royal

- The diegetic sound of the sand being poured out of the tractor gives a realistic feeling to the scene.
- The notion-diegetic action music which has a fast tempo adds to the suspense of the scene.
- When diegetic dialogue between construction workers can be heard and seen it further adds to the naturalism of the scene. 


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