Week 2 First evaluation of Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part

These are my four drawings, my equipment and object.

This is a picture of one of my classmate's drawings, their object was a metal chain. 

This is my monoprint witch the equipment I used. 

2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: 

Primary: I used props to re-create sound effects for the iconic shower seen in the movie 'Psycho'.    

Secondary: I discussed with other students in the class. We shared our own knowledge and learned further knowledge of each other.

2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: 

I helped in the recording and post-prediction of a short one-minute film, based on the theme 'Serial Killer'. I further helped in the editing of the film. I used props to re-create sound effects for the iconic shower seen in the movie 'Psycho'. I further leaned new drawing skills and how to monoprint. 

2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): 

What is your understanding of these?:


I had to make a drawing using different materials, using that drawing I had to produce a copy by using oil-based ink and tracing paper. 


I first had to draw the object I chose, using an 'H-6' pencil, secondly, I had to redraw that picture with a black biro pen, I further recreated the same image using different materials such as Black marker, Pen & Pencil at the same time and not looking when I drew my object. 

The process I used when creating my monoprint was to, firstly chose the picture I wanted to use and then tape it onto of the special paper, secondly, i squeeze out a pea-sized ball of Oil based ink on the glass slab. I then used the roller to spread the Ink to an 'A4' sized piece of paper, I had to make sure that there was no thick area. I placed the paper onto of the ink with the picture I want to recreate onto of the special paper, I then proceed to draw the outline of the picture with a pencil.

2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): 

I used a verity of a tool these list from, Pens, Pencils, peppers, water, oils, roller, scraper, apron, gloves. 

How effective were you with the tools?

I found out the I was most effective when I drew my image with a pen and pencil at the same time, this is because they worked well in unison to visual present what I wanted to show. I was less effective when I had to use water to make one of my drawings have a distorted look. This is because I used to much water, that led to my drawing being overwashed.

How could you improve your use of the tool?
I could improve how I use water to create a distorted and distilled effect by pre-measuring the perfect amount of water before I add it to my drawing, this could be done by drawing several lines, and trying different amount of water until I get the perfect amount.


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