Website Evaluation

At the start of the website process, I brain stormed some ideas. Further more i look at some tutorials on YouTube. I chose to do this because i had never used 'Wix' before so had no idea how to navigate my way around it, after i got a basic knowledge i watch tutorials on how to make a interactive website and how to make it better. From those tutorials i saw you could add a moving background to my website. I decided to add a moving background, because I knew it would make the website more interesting.

From my first idea of what i wanted my website to look like t the final product it changed in certain places but stayed the same in other. I made a survey asking people what they liked about the website and what could be improved on. I got the feedback and saw what was the most common areas to improve on and did it.

I had a phew issues, such as when trying to add music to my website and keep to continuity. The application you need to add stopped working, and when you change page the music stops playing and when you press play it starts at the beginning of the song. I over came this situation by not adding music at all to the website.

I added made a trailer for my groups movie and added it to the website. To do this i had to make a new page with in the website, size it up correctly and add the video. In addition I added the movie to the website, i followed the same procedure, but didn't put it on the home page.


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