Unit 7

I researched into existing movie websites, and the codes and conventions they have. I researched into ‘Maze Runner: The Death Cure’ website and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle website. I chose to do some of the same thing in my website but with my own creational twits, such as I had a animated home screen of falling pills, this is similar to Jumanji, this is because it adds a different feeling to my website as it is not that common to see. Like in Maze Runner there gallery layout, I used as a skellington, but added my own twist to it. The only difficulty i encountered was when making the maue bar, linking the correct page to button. I overcame this by asking for peer help. I decided to use the colours i used because they contrast from each other and are nice on the eyes.

I feel like some of my website has kept the same continuity from the film, because of the animated background and modern feeling. On the other hand, it loses some continuity with the fact that the film text font and website text font are different.

My audiences have helped in improving my website, I made a survey asking if and what they liked about my website, what they didn't like and how i could improve my website. What the audience said they like is the animated background, what I could improve on is adding a trailer, and making the title bar bigger and more clear. After getting this feedback I added a trailer to my website, and made my title bar bigger and more clear.

I feel like my website is useful but not fully used to its best potential. This is because it does the job, it tells the audience some additional information. But honestly with the time frame given it’s almost impossible to create a core fan group who will appreciate the website.

Next time i am going to do more research into existing websites, this time i will research all genres but do further research into the genre wich my media project will be in. Furthermore I will make surveys throughout the process, asking what they like and what could be improved, this is because i will them make the best website possible.

I feel like my planning was very useful in making my website, this is because it showed me what are the common occurrences in websites, so i could add them but with my own creative twist.

I found that researching into existing websites was useful as it gave me a idea in what to add to my website.

I didn't do specific website research into Crime Drama websites. This impacted my website because I could have added more to my website witch the Crime Drama genre fans like.

I would conduct more research, this being primary and secondary research into the genres.

I feel like the layout i decided to choose for the website worked very well, i only had positive feedback. I had to adapt the website to include options that ‘WIX’ had, because in my initial idea, i found out that some of the things weren't possible on the softwear.


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