Applying Media Theorys To My Media Project

1A. Props Character Theory

In Alice's story she had some of the characters from Vladimir Propp's Theory, these being the hero ,the villain, the helper ,the donor and the princess. Alice is represented as the princess and the hero because she doesn't want to drink the alcohol and drinks water: Princess. Because you follow Alice's journey she represents Hero.  in addition Alice informs the other characters they should be in class. Henry is the villain because he spikes her drink with a drug and also Punches her. Callum plays the helper because he comes to the aid of her when she is pushed furthermore he invites Alice to the party this also makes him be the donor. The production does use some of the characters, but on the other hand not all of the character types are used, this is because the crew used, was not big enough to cover all characters.

1B. Todrovo's Theory

My story has the same equilibrium/ disruption/ new equilibrium structure that Todrovo outlines because; The equilibrium of my story is the first choice, either to go to the bench where Henry's group are or to walk to the stairwell. The disruption is when going over to Henry, confrontation occurs over my character offering a cigarette or not offering a cigarette. Recognition of disruption occurs when my character is offered drugs from the group. Attempt to repair disruption is when my character decided to smoke the drugs given to him so the group don't get further angry with him. Finally the new equilibrium is when I decide to walk over to Alice, who is located where the start of my video starts because I want to get away from the group.

1C. Joseph Campbell Hero's Journey 

 In my opinion my story does not follow the same stages of the Hero's Journey that Joseph Campbell describes. However I made my story unpredictable, this is because I wanted to make my story unique and entertaining, such as you have to make bad decisions to further your self. I further chose too do this because it reflects life, this is because you can only choose the right choice but still not everything go correctly, but you can choose wrong choices, but if you learn from them you better your self.  For example you have to choose to smoke the cannabis to be able to choose to walk over to Alice. 

1D. Binary Opposites

In my story I do have conflict with in my story, this does arise from poisoning Binary Opposites against one and another in the narrative this is shown in; Alice's story where Man vs. Woman occurs. This is demonstrated by Henry hitting Alice for not wanting to come to the party. Good vs. Evil is demonstrated in my story where my character and Callum have to fight Henry and his group, they want my character to smoke cannabis and if my character does not they will fight. Furthermore Decisive vs. Indecisive is shown in my story when making crucial choices, my character ponders and asks Callum to make them, where as Henry is quick with making his choices.


My casting choices were affected by representation of age, gender and location. This is because I chose to use realistic characters who the audience can relate to, this being my film was set in a college used college students. I had a clear understanding on what I wanted each character to look like, this being I wanted them to wear normal collage clothes, such as jeans, trainers and a jumper. I  did not want them to wear a suit because it does not relate to what the majority of college students wear at college. Furthermore I was able to find students how fitted my profile easily, and I had a choice of characters for them to play. I used natural light, this because my film was set outside I chose not to use any external lights because it would take away the realism of the film if it was over lit. My film was shot in POV from the players view, this because it would make the audience feel more involved, like they were the character. I can never be sure a audience will interpret the characters how I want them to, but this makes it even more real, because not everyone will think someone is bad or good, everyone has their own opinions on everything, but with the way the characters talked and the dialogue they used I hope it aids in them associating the characters how I wish.


My message is, you have to make bad decisions to further your self, because someone can choose the right choice but still not everything go correctly, but if someone choose wrong choice, but learn from it to you better their self. Throughout my film I always had two choices, a bad one and a good one, I sometimes only had two bad choices that the audience will have to choose from. This is like the hypodermic needle theory because I'm constantly 


With my film I want each audience member to feel and have a different opinion on it to another viewer. They could watch this to entertain and divert them selves for the amount of time, or they can learn from it and my message or even  think about social actions and what is occurring in society, in a youths perspective, because everything I decided to show actually occurs. My goal is the maximum amount of people to view it as possible, so I made it realistic and raw they will want to watch and they could even relate to my film.


In my production I used stereotypical students, because the whole film is based on drugs, alcohol, knifes and cigarettes. In addition to that, the music playing in my segment of the film is a song by a young artist, this songs lyrics and beat is modern this therefor reinforces the age stereotype I'm portraying. The dialogue and vocabulary used by the character consists of abbreviated words and slang, I chose to do this because it further reinforces the age of the characters. The costume worn by my cast is stereotypical clothing worm by teenagers and collage students, I chose to do this because it keep the natural visuals I wanted in my film. In the editing process I influenced the audiences judgment on the character by adding a comical values to my film, I added a image of a over sized un natural joint when cannabis is being talked about, I added a funny laugh to a scene because it mad the scene enjoyable, furthermore it is a intense scene so the contrast makes the comical feeling better. Different cultures who don't smoke, drink, take drugs and or carry knifes may see it as a negative view on people who do. People who do smoke, drink, take drugs and or carry knifes my also see this as a negative view on them on the other hand they may see it as a raw realistic view on them.


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