Week 4 Audio Evaluation

5 Questions about the carousel so far

1- What is your name?
2- Which of the two carousels did you enjoy the most, and why?
3- What methods did you learn?
4 - What was the most effective tool learned?
   - What was the least effective tool learned?
5- Is there anything you could improve on? 
Click here for my answer --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7p9tABESa7Id2VleWRNY3ZwaWc/view?usp=sharing 

Skills, Processes, Methods and Tools

Bic Pen Advert

We were put into five groups and given time to brain storm ideas about our advert. in my group we came up with the finally advert idea. This being 'Hippies In Space'. our idea got further developed, this being an alien attack and a space shuttle ride. After this we had the opportunity to choose what room we wanted. there were acting tools, camera rolls, sound cool, directer, and other behind the scenes tools. chose to be an actor.


being and actor i had to follow the directors commands. it took many takes so saying in room and staying concentrated was hard to do, but me and the rest of the actors stayed composed and professional. I had to learn my lines, and look at certain cameras when braking the forth wall. that took a little time to get a grips with but after the practice takes it became natural.


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