Week 3 Evaluation

Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

How well have you done in the sessions?
Ask yourself:
  • Which skills, Processes and Methods or tools you enjoyed the most?
Answer: I enjoyed making the 'CREW' logo, in fashion. This is because i had the freedom to use the colours in anyway i wanted to. I firstly made a colours pallet to see what the colours would look like after they come out of the heater. i saw that the initial dull colours became vibrant wand worm. I then sketched out how i wanted the 'CREW' to look like then i proceeded to infill the letters with the paint. after i had finished filling in the word i used my paint brush and paint to flick over the canvas this added a secondary layer.

  • Which of the things you have been shown could you demonstrate to another person?
Answer: I could demonstrate how to create a matt finished mono print to someone. Firstly i would need to get the correct equipment ready this being: glass table cover, roller, ink, gloves, printing paper, picture and a pencil. firstly i would spread the ink on the surface, this has to be a size of a pea, if any bigger it will take a long time to dry. then i would use the roller to spread the ink blob into a thin layer of ink the same size as a A4 paper. After that i place the printing paper onto of the ink with the picture i want to create onto of the printing paper. I would then use a pencil to outline the picture, i have to press with a bit of pressure to get all the shading and detail. I finally need to peel off the papers and dry the printing paper.

  • Which of the things you have been shown do you need more practice with?
Answer: I need more practise with hand stitching. I found it difficult to sow in a wavy, zig zag and straight line. With further parties i know i would be able to develop and improve my sowing skills.

4th. Consider the implications
If you were asked by a professional to use some of the tools, skills, processes how well would you do?
Answer: I would be able to make a organic oil painting, with wavy outlines and vibrant colours. I would use a pencil to firstly sketch out what i want to create, and then use a pencil to draw on the canvis, this is bscuse i can erase any mistakes i make. i would then chose the colors i want to use and make a color palette. FINISH AT HOME

5. Explore other points of view
Have you considered feedback from teachers and Peers as to how well you did in the session, if so what feedback have you had?
Answer: I have not considered getting feedback yet, but im going too in the future. this is becuase the teachers have a ,uch vaster knowledge in what they are teaching than i personaly do. so i will utalise thir knowledge to improve my skills.


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