Psycho Shower Scene Analysis

In class, I watched the iconic 'shower scene' from the movie 'Psycho'. I was then put into a group and our time was to recreate the sound in the video, we done this by being given a voice recorder and objects. These objects consist of; A Curtain, Tap, Bubble Wrap, Rice and A Ballon. We also recorded someone screaming and someone walking to recreate the natural sounds. 

After getting the sounds we used 'Adobe Premiere Pro' to edit in the sounds effect. firstly we downloaded the video and had to mute the audio. after this we imported the sounds and sound effect we recorded and imported them into the video, this was the hardest part, trying to perfectly align the audio and video. After a couple of attempts, we managed to align it up perfectly. 

What went well was gathering the sounds and the video. we used the curtain for the shower curtain sound, pushing down the tap for turning on the shower, washing hands for the washing sound, twisting bubblewrap and pouring rice into a plastic box for the water hitting the floor noise and the ballon for when she slides down the wall after being stabbed noise. 

What did not go too well initially was the post preduction, this was when we had to find the perft speed and volume for the sounds. Some of our sounds we had to slow down and or speed up, so finding the perfect tempo was a long and stressful process. 


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