
In photography, the 'shutter speed' is the length of time when the 'digital sensor' inside the camera is exposed to light. In addition, when a camera's 'shutter' is open this is when a photograph is being taken. The amount of light that reaches the 'image sensor' is equal to the exposure time. 

The 'aperture' stop of a lens can be changed to control the amount of light reaching the image sensor. In combination with diffrent types of shutter speed, the 'aperture' size will control the image sensor's degree of exposure to light.

How a camera works

My Process

I used a 'DSLR' camera and experimented with different 'shutter speed' and 'aperture' to see the  different effect this would create in the images. The camera i used was a 'Nikon DSLR' with a '15mm-55mm' lens. I tried a verity of photos, such as someone or something moving at a fast motion. 

My Best Images


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