
Showing posts from November, 2017

Vladimir Propp's Theory

Definition: The same 8 charters appear in every story tail. These are, The Hero, The Villain, the Dispatcher, The Helper, The Princess, The Princesses Father, The Donator and The False Hero. Hero: The character who's story we follow. Set out to achieve some task. Who we want as an audience to achieve their task. Villain: The antagonistic force of the story. They are opposite to the 'Hero'. They don't always need to be evil. Dispatcher: The character who makes the 'Villains' scheme known to the 'Hero' and sends them on their task. The Helper: They help the 'Hero' achieve their task. The Princess: Who the 'Hero' is looking to marry and or rescuer. They can either be a prize as well. The Princess Father: The person who need to be won over by the 'Hero'. The person who gives the 'Princess' or 'Prize' to the 'Hero'. The Donator: The one who prepares the 'Hero' in some way.


An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text. Audiences are important because w ithout audiences there would be no media. The mass media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more and more audiences in different ways and stay profitable. If you can not show who your audiences are a producer will not fund you because there will not be a 100% profit at the start. This will help you know what to With the increase in new technology media text is a lot now electronically. With media being able to be consumed, digitally, electronically, radio, television and paperbound. Hypodermic Needle Model The Hypodermic needle theory is a linear communication theory that suggests that media messages are injected directly into the brains of passive audiences. The drawbacks of the hypodermic needle model are that no-one has an individual response. In Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and during World War 2 films were used to ‘inject’

Unit 2 & 3 Task 2

Primary research The TV production I chose was ‘E! News’, this is because it tells all the news, but tailored to a younger audience this being ’18- 34’ year olds. The length of episodes varies from one hour long to two hour long productions. From Monday to Friday there are three different news screenings; on Saturday only one and on Sundays no news is shown. They talk about fashion, celebrity gossip, movie awards, music awards, cat walks, music and more gossip topics.   Each segments vary from 25 to 30 mins, then a 5 min break. In the adverts they are promoting products, people and other shows, they have target audience specific adverts.  There are a variety of sets, mainly modern with clean interior design. These sets incorporate modern art and contradict the typical news set, by having character to them. This helps in keeping the audience's attention. Its aired in, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Philippines, India, Latin America, Asia and Canada.


Representation Representation reflects to way in which artwork or media products (and film is both) portrays particular social groups, cultures, genders and sexual orientation. 

Setting Up an Interview

How To Set Up An Interview Step By Step: Make sure your camera is set up before the interviewee is there. For example the '180 degree rule'  Eye contact is key in keeping the interviewee relaxed and comfortable.  Natural flowing convocation, nodding, asking questions, smiling and give them time to answer. How I Would Frame The Shot I would use a medium close-up shot with a plane background. This is because there would be noting in the background to distract the audience. The medium close up shot because the interviewee will fill the screen. I would shoot at eye level this is because, the interviewer, interviewee and camera will be at a neutral level.  Floor Plan 1 Guest, 1 Camera In this simple case the interviewer and guest are given the same framing and appear with equal prominence. This is useful if you aren't sure who will be doing most of the talking, or if the talk-time is spread evenly between the interviewer and guest. It